

Healthy, happy and productive people in sustainable buildings. A dream of an objective for the designer and construction industry. Fulfilling the expectations of all the stakeholders concerned is not an easy task though.

EMU-instruments offers solutions –services, products and development – in the area of  measurement and data management technology and measurement instruments for the indoor and outdoor environment in and around buildings and for indoor and outdoor air quality in urban and rural areas.

EMU is system integrator for The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and West-Germany of  Swedish Swema Instruments.

EMU remains strongly focused on delivering high quality products and services, which are increasingly brought onto the market as its own brand and also due to own development.



Swema supplies complete sets of ISO 7730/7726 (thermal comfort)-, ISO 7243 (WGBT)-applications, temperature, humidity, air velocity sensors, temperature and humidity meters, (micro) pressure difference meters, air velocity meters, pitot-tubes, volume flow hoods,   leakage testers, data loggers en solutions for the paperindustry (cylinder temperature, humidity, air velocity).